So this little bugger of a cassette tape has some personal history with myself. I have always been a music collector for as long as I remember. Music tastes come and go and then come back again. Throughout the years I spent growing up in Spokane Washington, I saw many live shows at all kinds of strange places; Pompeii, 123 Arts, The Hub, Peaceful Valley Community Center, and Airway Heights Grange. Anyway, during these years I used to trade music via mail with others I met through the ads in Maximum Rock & Roll. So fun because I would get some of the coolest most random music. Many of the pieces of music I would get were DIY tapes with photo copied covers. Throughout the years some of the tapes got lost or I gave them away. Not this little bugger. This is one of my many cassette tapes that I still listen to. I saw Las Mordidas at Airway Heights grange. I couldn't believe how intimate and totally jamming these dudes were. I had no idea who they were at the time, but i just had to buy their tape. Up until about a week ago I have looked long and far for more music from these guys. I ran across a blog called rocket science where I saw a fellow requesting this particular demo because all he had were the other recordings done by the band. I quickly responded and we were able to trade our music. I had forgot how much fun this was. So I thought it was appropriate to post this demo for others to have. For those that don't know Chris Thompson of Circus Lupus, Monorchid, Skull Kontrol, etc sang for this band. I still have yet to see a punk show as good as this was. Just copy and paste into browser because I am not savvy enough to make it work by clicking it. Enjoy the Tracks.
Click on this.