Sunday, April 25, 2010


Went down to Bend last weekend to visit friends. My buddy Allen, whom I met when I was 2 years old, volunteers at a wildlife rehabilitation center. I had the opportunity to climb inside this cage of a Golden Eagle. This Eagle that is now 20 years old, was hit by a car many years ago leaving it blind. Super rad opportunity that I can't wait to visit again. Among the other birds was a Spotted Owl, Barn Owl and a Goss Hawk. All with broken wings. I'm usually not okay with caged birds but this place is amazing and useful. Oh yeah, apparently this Eagle could crush a baseball with its talons.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

As of recent

Here are some instant shots from the last couple of weeks. Wet emulsion transfers, Smith and Bybee Lakes, Pterodactyl, Upper Lewis River Falls (Yeah Lee!), Alley graffiti owl in Seattle, Washington coastlescape, Easter Yummy Face, and 7 shots from the new instant film made by Impossible Project shot using SX-70, and some pinholes.

13 Minutes

11 Minutes

Art Collectors

I am

My photo
Portland, Oregon, United States
